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One stop Assembly Shop

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Fed up of dull, boring assemblies? Tired of scrolling through news websites each week looking for inspiration? Yes me too... I believe in short (10 minute max) punchy assemblies that have an impact. The slides are designed to have key points on only offering clean visuals and no clutter for students. The 'how to' guide will enable you to deliver these simple effective messages and importantly save you time!




Fed up of dull, boring assemblies? Tired of scrolling through news websites each week looking for inspiration? Yes me too... I believe in short (10 minute max) punchy assemblies that have an impact. The slides are designed to have key points on only offering clean visuals and no clutter for students. The 'how to' guide will enable you to deliver these simple effective messages and importantly save you time!
Overcoming adversity - Assembly

Overcoming adversity - Assembly

Super human/ Barriers/ Adversity/ Sport/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Only one place to start here… the Paralympics. This assembly looks at the most successful British Paralympians and what difficulties they had to overcome in order to be successful. It ask the students to think over their own adversity and whether they dealt with it in a positive or negative way. It then looks around why a positive mindset can support students to overcome adversity in their lives. The assembly also enables you to input specific support you school can offer to help students overcome any issues they may have. The pack contains: Full power point with hyperlink A ‘how to use’ guide with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Words hurt - Assembly

Words hurt - Assembly

Words/ language/ Positive/ Negative/ Talking/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Students often find themselves in verbal conflict with other students. These conflicts often involve ‘throw away’ comments simply designed to upset or offend the other person with no consideration of the long lasting effect their choice of words could have. This assembly looks at why as humans we are quick to use negative or derogatory words and looks at the lasting damage these exchanges can have. It then goes onto look at the way using positive words and language can have a huge bearings on us personally and those around us. It also has a tough video to watch which shows strangers reactions to the worst comment others have have said about them. The assembly finishes with a challenge for the students. The pack contans: Full power point with notes on certain slide and hyper link to video A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking!
Mental health day

Mental health day

Mental health/ Talking/ Stigma/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas ‘I’m fine’ a common response to mental health but what does it really mean? This assembly is about the importance of mental health and about inviting them to open up and talk about their own mental health. The assembly continues by looking at what mental health is some alarming statistics that show the size of the issue and stigma’s around mental health. It finishes by giving you a free slide to look at what your school is doing to support students and staff’s mental well being and resilience. The pack contains: Full power point with hyper link A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas.
Circular economy (reusing) - Assembly

Circular economy (reusing) - Assembly

Reuse/ Circular economy/ Second hand/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Do your students know what this is? The assembly starts with a quiz which asks questions around the second hand UK market and the staggering impact circular economy has on this. The assembly continues to look at how some amazing companies that are finding inventive ways to recycle and reuse items. It then gives you a chance to add the ways your school is embracing this idea and any local schemes that students can get involved with. The pack contains: Full power point with hyper links A ‘How to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
Owning who you are - Assembly bundle

Owning who you are - Assembly bundle

4 Resources
Being you/ Comfortable/ Skin/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This bundle is all about ensuring students understand the simple message that they can be whoever and whatever they want to be. We are all different in some ways, but similar in far many more. The pack contains assemblies on: Celebrating individuality Comparing yourself to others Thinking for yourself Peer pressure Thanks for looking
Key occasions - Assembly bundle

Key occasions - Assembly bundle

17 Resources
Occasions/ Celebrations/ Year/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas: Have an assembly ready at your fingertips for most big occasions throughout the year in one easy bundle! Pack contains: September: European Day of languages - 26th October: Halloween around the world - 31st November: Diwali - 4th Bonfire night - 5th December: Christmas being thankful - 25th Christmas traditions around the world January: New years resolutions - 1st Chinese new year - 22nd Martin Lurther King day - 3rd Monday February: Valentines day - 14th March: St David’s day - 1st World book day - 3rd St Patrick’s day - 17th April: Easter around the world - 9th May: World Bee day - 20th June: Fathers day around the world - 3rd Sunday July: World chocolate day - 7th August: International lefthanders day - 13th Thanks for looking!
Thinking - Assembly bundle

Thinking - Assembly bundle

4 Resources
Thinking/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This pack is all about encouraging students to make their own decisions and looks at how students can respond to feedback given by teachers:- The pack contains assemblies on: Rumours and gossip Thinking before speaking Thinking your yourself Responding to feedback Thanks for looking
Being a role model  - Assemblies bundle

Being a role model - Assemblies bundle

5 Resources
Leadership/ Role model/ setting an example/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This bundle is all about your students learning how to become a positive role model. The assemblies are based on: How everyone can be a leader/ role model Having the courage to fail Manners and etiquette Failing to prepare Peer pressure (how to deal with it) All of these key messages will help your students to become positive members of the school community. Thanks for looking
Failing to prepare - Assembly

Failing to prepare - Assembly

Preparation/ Failure/ Help/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Simple question: It’s the end of the world, what 3 items do you take with you? This assembly starts by enabling the students to discuss this concept. It then looks at the definition of preparation and gives some amazing examples of extreme preparation from nature and the animal kingdom. The assembly then circles back to talking through the less extreme ways your students can ensure they are prepared and leaves them with a very well known saying. The pack contains: Full powerpoint A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
Curiosity, did it kill the cat? - Assembly

Curiosity, did it kill the cat? - Assembly

Asking why?/ Curiosity/ Questioning/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Did it really kill the cat? This assembly looks at what curiosity actually is and where the expression came from. It looks at the positive impact curiosity can have on things such as achievement, happiness and empathy and more visceral things like survival. The assembly finishes with a few tips on how the students can satisfy their curiosity without it turning into a competition of who can ask the most questions. The pack contains: Full power point A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking
Thinking for yourself - Assembly

Thinking for yourself - Assembly

Thinking/ Resources/ Self-worth/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This assembly is all about students understanding that it is important to make their own choices and not simply follow the crowd however tempting or easy it may be. It starts by giving the students a common scenario that they will have faced and asks how they would or have dealt with it. The assembly goes on to look at five avenues students ideally need to consider before acting hastily or making a decision. The assembly finishes with the simple message of ‘think before you act’ The pack contains: Full power point with notes A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
Dyslexia awareness week - Assembly

Dyslexia awareness week - Assembly

Dyslexia/ Words/ Support/ Inventions/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas This assembly is ALL about students experiencing (if only for 10-15 minutes) how difficult (and tiring) a school day can be for students with dyslexia. It gives students a glimpse into how students with dyslexia see text and how challenging it can sometimes be to join the dots. The assembly also looks at how dyslexia can create freedom of thought and creativity and looks at famous examples of individuals with dyslexia that have literally changed the world! The pack contains: Full power point A ‘how to use’ guide with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas
Being a leader - Assembly

Being a leader - Assembly

Leadership/ Role model/ Positivity/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly Being a leader is not always about being the loudest or the best in situations. This assembly looks at the traits and characteristics shared by leaders and how often these traits can be shown in many others ways. The assembly also looks at how students can emulate these traits and become a leader in their own right whilst asking them tough questions around their character. It talks through the simple things your students can do to ensure they are being a positive leader whether on a pitch, stage or simply inside a classroom. The pack contains: Full power point with notes A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Comparing yourself to others - Assembly

Comparing yourself to others - Assembly

Envy/ Greed/ Satisfaction/ Happiness/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly This assembly looks at the fable of the dog and his reflection. It talks through the fable step by step (and gives some interesting facts) before looking at what exactly greed and envy are. It looks at the many ways your students can count themselves lucky and although ambition is not always a bad trait, it is important they do not always compare themselves to others. It finishes by posing a tough question asking the students to reflect on the message mentioned above. The pack contains: Full power point A ‘how to use guide’ with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Etiquette and manners - assembly

Etiquette and manners - assembly

Manners/ Basic expectations/ Etiquette/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly This assembly is about expecting basic manners and etiquette from your students. It looks at the top 5 things that show a lack of manners (according to 1522 adults in the UK), explains what etiquette is and looks at some different examples from around the world. The assembly then comes full circle and looks at the what the students should expect from themselves and importantly from each other to ensure basic manners are upheld. The pack contains: Full power point A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking.
World Cup - Assembly

World Cup - Assembly

World Cup/ Qatar/ Winter World Cup/ Football The biggest sporting event in the World! Your students will no doubt be talking about it anyway so give in to their incessant questioning and lets talk facts and figures with this assembly. It looks at key talking points around the 2022 World Cup, the story behind the disappearance of the cup in 1966 (Pickles) and tests your students knowledge of football along the way. The pack contains: Full power point with hyperlink video Word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking.
Back to school (Tabula rasa) - Assembly

Back to school (Tabula rasa) - Assembly

September/ A clean slate/ Strong start/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas Welcome back! September rolls around again. This assembly is all about key, simple messages to give to students to ensure they start the year the right way. It looks at Tabula rasa (a clean slate) and how having no preconceived notions can play an important role in starting the year right and looks to the potential challenges ahead for your students. It gives the students 3 very clear, simple ways to ensure they have a successful start to the academic year. The pack contains: Full powerpoint A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking!
End of Year reflection - Assembly

End of Year reflection - Assembly

Schools out/ Summer holiday/ Term 6/ You and your students have almost made it, the summer holiday is nearly here! This assembly asks your students to reflect upon their year and give themselves key targets for next year (as well as patting themselves on the back for things they have done well). It looks at stress levels in the UK and how this relates to young people and the demands on staff and students across an academic year. It also offers them practical advice about how to best use their summer to relax and recharge. It finishes with some key points around what type of student we wish to see at the start of the next academic year and simply asks them ‘Who do you want to be next year?’ The pack contains: Full powerpoint with hyper link A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
British Science week (March) - Assembly

British Science week (March) - Assembly

British Science week/ March/ Mathematics/ Technology/ Primary/ Secondary Mathematics, Science and Technology – three powerhouse subjects. This assembly is all about celebrating British innovation and not stereotyping people who work in these industries. It looks at what the stereotypical image of Scientists and how this perception is now changing for the better. The assembly identifies and talks through four incredible British advances in technology and informs students how they can be part of this celebratory week. The assembly finishes with a simple message ‘you could be responsible for…’ and lists some amazing things the students may end up doing with their lives and talents. The pack contains: Full power point A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis, help with delivery and customisation ideas Thanks for looking
Rumours and gossip - Assembly

Rumours and gossip - Assembly

Don’t believe everything you hear/ Primary/ Secondary/ Whole school/ Assembly ideas ‘They said this about me…’ In most schools this a constant thorn! Time and time again students end up in conflict over a ‘rumour’ that someone has stated or based around groups of students gossiping. This assembly looks to tackle this issue by educating students on what gossip is, the issues around it and the potential outcomes of gossip and rumours. The assembly also has a practical element to it to really drive home the message. The pack contains: Full power point with hyper link to video A ‘how to use’ word document with synopsis. help with delivery and customisation ideas. Thanks for looking